Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Year

A new year is starting and I feel like it was just yesterday that I was getting ready for 2014. 2014 had a lot of highlights and it was year for the books. Aside from graduating high school, starting college, there were many other parts of the year that made it perfect. I celebrated 16 years of adoption, many river trips with my best friends, meeting new people, starting the blog and seeing how it has grown, and most importantly I am finally seeing myself grow too. If you asked me last year who I was I would have given a different answer than what I would say now. Last year I made simple resolutions, like be healthier, figure out what I want from my friends, and go to college, and I'm happy to say all of those worked out. This year after four months in a new environment, I've learned that I need to change some more things. 
I'm walking in to 2015 with a different mind, and I also cannot wait to see what 2015 holds for me. Cliche to say, I know, but I can't wait to see where the blog goes, I already have big plans for the summer and I also have the support of my family and friends which is all I need. 
I stumbled across this article on Thought Catalog and it will be the resolutions I stick to this year. Read it here

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and cheers to the new year! 
- Lily 

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